About Us
What makes a Puddles home?
A family business, Puddles Homes was founded with the goal of creating high quality, sustainable and beautiful homes for West Australians.
Our Team

Edward H.
With over 20 years of Experience as a Builder and an even longer time spent in the industry, Edward Havran is the Master Builder for Puddles Homes. Born in Slovakia and Migrating to Australia in 1988, he quickly realized the potential for construction in Australia. Edward H has always been a builder that pays attention to quality and detail in each one of his builds. Recently he has become concerned with the continuing environmental consequences of unsustainable construction techniques, so he dedicated himself to designing and building homes to combat these issues.
When not at work he loves to spend time with his wife and 4 kids, exercising, taking care of his chickens and cooking beautiful meals for his family.

Edward V.
When it comes to building a home there is no better Construction Manager than Edward V. With a vast knowledge and experience in mechanical and construction trades, you can be sure that every Puddles Home and is built efficiently and safely with the utmost quality. Although spending most of his life in Australia, he was born in Slovakia and Identifies as Slovak which brings extremely valuable cultural knowledge to our team.
Outside of work Edward V. is passionate about artisan trades such as Watchmaking, Upholstery and Antique Restoration. Apart from that he also has keen interest in Heavy Diesel Mechanics and other workshop trades.

Elijah M.
The youngest member of the team, Elijah is the head of marketing and promotion for all Puddles Homes related media. Australian Born and raised, Elijah has always been interested in design and is passionate in his work. After just finishing his degree at UWA, having someone on the team that is young, creative and in tune with the recent graduate generation is extremely valuable to our team.
When not working with Puddles Homes, Elijah is extremely passionate about music, playing and writing music in a rock band around Perth, as well as being involved with music production and promotion.